Video clip > Korean Temple food


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[Tasting Korean Temple Food] Cheese and Tofu pancake / 1min recipe / 347Kcal

2019.12.04 조회:6230

[Ingredients] 100g tofu, 1/2 cup mozzarella, 1.2cup tomato sauce, 40g Kimchi, 50g mushroom, paprika, bell pepper, oil as needed [Directions] 1. Slice the kimchi and cut the mushroom, bell pepper, and paprika coarse. 2. Cut the tofu into the thick pieces. Heat a pan over medium heat and add oil. Pan-fry until golden brown on both sides. 3. Bring the saucepan to a medium heat and add oil. Cook kimchi and other vegetables. 4. Add tomato sauce and salt to taste. 5. In the other skillet, put the fried tofu, kimchi, mushrooms, and other vegetables. 6. Place mozzarella cheese on the top and cook together for several minutes until cheese melts. If you interested in Korean Temple Food, Go links below and subscribe to us! ▶Official Homepage ▶ Official Institute of Korean Temple Food Tel: +82-2-2655-2776 ▶ Where you can experience Korean Temple Food Tel: +82-2-733-4650